Scott Rennak’s 2007 garage homewall

    2007 2629 Pine Street-dc5d041a

    Loved this shorty and had lots of fun with friends and my ex-wife. Was my first “well planned” wall and really enjoyed the larger sideplates on the main 45 so they became very useful arete/corners. Also allowed space on both sides to actually climb the aretes instead of banging into the wall. When we moved the new tenant wanted to keep it, so never had to take this one down.

    Scott built his first homewall in 1995 and last one in 2019 just before the pandemic, with plenty between. He's made grips from wood and stone, carved shapes from clay and foam, and poured PU, PE and fiberglass. Over the years Scott has helped launch a few hold brands, worked for and set routes at a handful of gyms, and has organized a bunch of comps and events. He's currently the publisher/owner of CBJ. But the homewall is where it started, and is where his heart lies.