Max Bowen’s Homewall in Bolton by Bowland, WY, United Kingdom

    Max Bowen

    Max Bowen

    Max Bowen // Bolton by Bowland, WY // United Kingdom

    When did you build your wall?
    Just before lockdown started

    How long did it take you to build?
    3 weeks

    Not including holds and padding, how much did it cost you to build?

    Did anything in particular inspire your wall design?
    Symmetrical training boards

    What was the most difficult aspect of the design and build?
    The kick board because the floor of the building slopes down one way and the wall leans out slightly so I had to do a lot of packing and levelling.

    What would you do differently?
    I’d make it wider

    What is your favorite aspect?
    The adjustable angle means I can train strength one week and then do circuits and train endurance the next week

    Any words of wisdom to aspiring homewallers?
    Plan it out first

    Do you have any connection to climbing brands or gyms?