4 Common Fueling Pitfalls Climbers Make – TrainingBeta

“We climbers love to push our limits. Whether that’s pushing a new grade, waking up at 3 AM to sprint up an alpine route before afternoon thunderstorms, or spending hours training in the gym. We all do these things “just for fun.” This desire that we have to push our limits at every opportunity can leave us looking for new ways to level up and optimize our performance.” – Shaina Savoy

In this article, author Shaina Savoy walks us through 4 common fueling pitfalls that many climbers make. Can you relate to any?

nutritious food from Trainingbeta


  1. Undervaluing Recovery Nutrition on Rest Days
  2. Restricting Carbohydrate Intake
  3. Not Dialing in the Pre-Workout Nutrition
  4. Giving Into a Restrictive Mindset Instead of an Abundance Mindset

For the full TrainingBeta article, click here!

TrainingBeta is a site dedicated to training for climbing, built because they wanted all of the best training resources in one place. TB has a regular blog and podcast, and many climbing training programs that are easy to follow so you can just go into the gym and do your thing without thinking too much about it.